Møt Anita M. Halvorssen, ekspert på internasjonal miljørett og forfatter av klimathrilleren The Dirty Network. Hun er medlem av Besteforeldrenes klimaaksjon og rådsmedlem i Norwegians Worldwide. Boka er på engelsk, men samtalen foregår på norsk.
«Jeg har lest boka som absolutt kan anbefales!» Steinar Winther Christensen, leder BKA.
A native of Norway, living in Colorado, Anita has focused on teaching law and writing on environmental issues, especially climate change. She has a masters and a doctorate in law from Columbia Law School. Anita is s Director of Global Legal Solutions, LLC, an international think tank and consultancy and a member of the International Law Association’s Committee on International Law and Sea Level Rise. Furthermore, she does pro bono work for the Legal Response Initiative, in conjunction with the UNFCCC climate change negotiations.
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